17 Jan

Why Aluminium Window and Door Replacement Makes Sense

Posted at 11:08 AM, January 17, 2024 by AIS Windows / Category: Aluminium Windows
Why Aluminium Window and Door Replacement Makes Sense Read More

Ever feel like you’re flushing money down the drain trying to heat that drafty old house in winter or keep it cool in summer? Old wood frames allow valuable conditioned air to escape, letting dust and noise in. Attempting short-term fixes often leads to endless cycles of repainting, re-caulking, and even replacing panes that cannot solve root issues. 

There is a better solution—replacing problem fenestrations with today’s high-performance aluminium window and door systems. Custom-crafted to your home’s unique architecture, advanced aluminium options boost energy efficiency by over 50%, reduce outdoor noise, and provide exceptional durability with minimal upkeep r

Read on to learn key reasons savvy homeowners choose versatile aluminium when upgrading protection against extreme weather and intrusions while adding customised style.

1. Significant Energy Savings

Long-term energy savings are one of the most robust cases for investing in aluminium window and door replacements. Unlike less efficient counterparts losing conditioned indoor air, advanced aluminium frames with thermal breaks, argon gas-filled double-paned glass, and improved weatherstripping dramatically reduce heating and cooling expenses.

Aluminium windows rated by ENERGY STAR are at least 15% more efficient than building code minimums and will demonstrate payback in just a few years through your utility bill savings. Those older, drafty windows might seem cheap initially but cost you more in the long run.

2. Strength and Durability

From harsh weather fluctuations to everyday wear and tear, aluminium stands strong when many other materials fail. This lightweight yet durable metal resists warping, swelling, cracking, decaying, and distorting, which is common with wood, vinyl, fibreglass, and lesser-quality aluminium products. Modern aluminium window and door frames and sashes often get treated with resilient polyester enamel finishes, preventing fading or discolouration even after decades of UV light, pollution exposure, temperature swings between hot and cold extremes, sudden hail storms, and other inevitabilities of time. 

Compared to continual maintenance and earlier replacement cycles using less formidable building supplies, aluminium’s sustained performance reliability provides an excellent return on investment.

3. Customised Aesthetics

Unlike the just standard white frames of vinyl or wood windows that are only able to get painted darker colours, aluminium windows and doors now offer nearly endless custom colour options. Specialised powder-coating in bold hues or matching your existing scheme, matte or glossy finishes, custom etching patterns, historically divided grid patterns, and decorative hardware upgrades all enable personalising aluminium fenestrations to complement architectural aesthetics.

This suits transforming spaces from boring to beautiful, whether seeking contemporary or classic charm. Modern mirrored or tinted glass paired with sleek aluminium completes the upgraded sophistication. Go for an aluminium door replacement if you want a complete custom aesthetic.

4. Easy Upkeep

Many homeowners hesitate to tackle window and door replacements, fearing regular maintenance hassles ahead. However, aluminium proves nearly maintenance-free once installed properly. Simply wiping down the durable surfaces occasionally, lubricating hardware if needed, and avoiding harsh cleaners suffice to keep aluminium windows and doors looking new. No paint touch-ups, stain refreshing, rot repairs, or warping issues exist as common burdens when owning traditional wood or steel windows. Aluminium brings hassle-free functionality for decades after a sizable investment.

The Bottom Line

Increasing resale value, security protections, less outdoor noise transmission, and customising home aesthetics all stack as additional benefits, making aluminium window and door replacements well worth consideration. Weigh options carefully, evaluate reputable brands meeting codes and testing standards, hire qualified installers, and make informed upgrades that will stand the test of time and weather while increasing enjoyment. Your more comfortable, stylish, and efficient home will reap rewards for years ahead. AIS Windows is the right option to choose; if you’re looking for replacing glass in aluminium windows.

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